
The All-Star festivities kick off tonight on TNT with the Rookies vs. Sophomores and the challenges put in front of them. With all the hoopla getting ready to kick off, The Urban Daily takes a look back at the Top 5 Worst All-Star Slam Dunks.

5. Cedric Ceballos –

One of my favorite players from The Phoenix Suns, Mr. Ceballos thought he was doing some tricky-ish by wearing a blind-fold and dunking the ball. BUUUUTTTT if you’ve made it from college into the NBA, you should be able to not only locate the rim in a blinding snowstorm, but should be able to dunk it with the ferocity of an unchained animal. Ceballos didn’t do the latter and that’s why he’s at #5.

4. Tim Perry –

Who? He was lucky that Jordan didn’t come from the sky and snatch his number back from this lame. Moving on…

3. Larry Hughes –

The former Sixer-slash-Cavalier tried to put his own “artistic flair” on his dunk attempt, but found himself coming up for more with his lackluster attempt.

2. Mahmoud Abdul-Rauf –

How do you come into the league and not be able to make one dunk? Maybe it was early karma for not standing up for the National Anthem. (I wonder if he does that now that Obama’s in office?!).

1. Darrell Armstrong –

The Orlando Magic’s point guard du jour was trying to make a statement in 1996. One that would make everyone realize that the changing of the “guard” – literally – was on-hand. If you don’t know what it was, check it out belong and see why Darrell Armstrong was #1.

The Urban Daily

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