
2011 is the year of baby drama. Beyonce’s mysterious baby bump. Ne-Yo’s “Irish” twins. Lauryn Hill’s sixth child. Celebrities can’t escape the harsh light of the spotlight, but when children are involved things become more sensitive. With paternity tests buoying daytime TV ratings it’s no surprise that when a Hollywood hunk like Idris Elba shares his DNA everyone is going to pay attention.

In this month’s issue of Essence magazine journalist Dream Hampton carefully broaches the issue of Idris’ infant son Otenga with ex-girlfriend Desiree Newberry. In the August 2010 issue of Upscale magazine Elba was cagey when discussing his children simply stating: “I have kids. I love my children and I love my kids. But they are not part of that world,” he said referring to Hollywood.

Rumors began to spread of discord between Elba and his now ex and whether he was indeed the father of the baby. Newberry issued a statement in November of 2010 addressing the gossip saying that Elba was a “positive influence in their child’s life and that he is providing all the love, care, and support that are required at this time.”

So it only made sense that Essence would ask Mr. Elba about his children. When asked how his daughter liked being an older sister he flatly replied, “I only have a daughter.”

Elba goes on to chastise the press for jumping to conclusions.  However, when something is public record what course is there to take? We can hardly blame Elba if it turned out that the baby was not his. It happens to plenty of men around the world. But don’t make it seem like folks are crazy for wondering what happened when he said one thing and is now saying something else.

For what it’s worth Elba has shown to be a very devoted father and brought his daughter Isan with him to this year’s Emmys. Wherever Otenga is we hope he’s healthy and happy.  But if Idris really wants people to stop speculating about his kids he can just keep tweeting pics like this one. They’ll forget all about it.



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