
R&B songbird Toni Braxton was the woman most teenage boys fantasized about in the mid to late 90s. Her sex appeal was elevated to insurmountable heights with the mellow bedroom jam “You’re Makin’ Me High.” In her recent episode of VH1’s “Behind the Music,” Braxton revealed her first number one hit was about smoking that sticky icky as well as getting it in.

In case you’re wondering exactly how this song is about weed (We were confused too.), Braxton explains that the lyrics to the bridge are where the secret message lies. Toni Braxton said a week before she wrote the song with Bryce Wilson and Babyface, she was introduced to weed for the first time. When they wrote the song she added the line, “You roll, I lick and we can go flying into ecstasy.”

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“A week before [writing the song with Babyface and Bryce Wilson],  I was introduced to marijuana, and I got high for the first time. [..] In the bridge, I’m singing ‘I want to feel your heart and soul inside of me / Let’s make a deal you roll, I lick / And we can go flying into ecstasy’, I was talking about [smoking a joint].”

I think that song just got ten times better for those potheads who used to be all the way in love with Toni Braxton. With this newly revealed information, we have to ask the question. Brothas, would you smoke some trees with Toni Braxton if you knew sex was going to be the result? Sound off below.




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