

The Associated Press is already trying to figure out who would play would be Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor in a movie that has yet to be announced – at least not as of press time.

Their short list includes the obvious – Jennifer Lopez and Rosie Perez, both of whom share Sotomayor’s Puerto Rican heritage. But they also threw in African American male actor Tyler Perry, best known for his take-no-prisoners grandma character Madea.

Check out President Obama introducing Sonia Sotomayor by clicking here!

The following is AP’s entire hypothetical list, along with rationales:

Jennifer Lopez: Jenny From the Block comes from the same part of New York as Sotomayor, and she’s already played a real-life, high-profile figure in “Selena,” the film the made her a star. This take on Sotomayor’s life would likely feature La Lopez in plenty of wardrobe changes, aside from the obligatory black robe, and gratuitous cutaways to her flawless hair and makeup.

Rosie Perez: Close your eyes and imagine how she would say the following sentence in her distinctively heavy Brooklyn accent: “Thank you, Mr. President, for the most humbling honor of my life.” The intentions would be honorable, but unintentional hilarity factor could be high.

• Penny Marshall: A Bronx native and lifelong Yankees fan like Sotomayor, she’s already made a baseball movie with the 1992 hit “A League of Their Own.” Here, Marshall could streamline the process by directing herself.

Click here to see who else could be in Sonia Sotomayor: The Movie!

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