
As we previously reported, JoJo Simmons was forced to apologize to Juelz Santana for a diss record he made about the rapper a few months back. JoJo was responding to a song that Juelz made that dropped his name in it.

But over the weekend a Skull Gang rapper by the name of Hynief grabbed a hold of JoJo and made him call Santana and apologize for his song. (As seen in the above picture.)

We knew at some point and time, there would have to be some sort of response from Juelz, about the events that took place on his behalf last weekend. There was no way something that serious went down and he wouldn’t ever comment on it.

Thanks to‘s Illseed, we have Juelz commenting on that situation for you.

Take a listen to what he has to say in the Philly Power 99 interview below.

Says Juelz about what’s going on with him and JoJo

“Nothing, nothing, It’s just, you know? It’s cool, he’s cool, we cool. It’s cool. Nothing happened, nothing’s going on.”

The only thing missing from that comment was, “Ask your next question”. But if he doesn’t want to go in to it, who could blame him? Would you want to discuss it if it was you? Neither would we!

Well, then JoJo spoke on the situation. He was not interviewed on the radio though, so his surroundings were a bit…how should we say, different from those of Juelz!

Here is the JoJo Response!

However, Juelz’s man Hynief had a lot more to say about the situation that unfolded, in fact, he had a whole lot more to say! Check that out below!

So, is it cool or is it not cool? Or is it just cool with one of these guys and not the other one? We’re confused! Guess the only people that everyone truly wants to hear from about this entire situation are JoJo’s  elders! That’s where the true story is! Who will get a comment from Rev Run or Uncle Russ? But while we wait, we ask you, who do you believe? Take our poll and have your say!


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