
Is Kelly A Big Bully?


The biggest issue on this season was Kelly Price vs the rest of the girls. While most of us assumed that the drama started when Mo and Chante decided to have Fred direct the Diva Monologues, Wendy pointed out during the reunion special that the drama began long before that, when Kelly decided not to show up to Broadway in the Hood show that she was an avid supporter of. The girls decided that the show had to go on with out without Kelly’s presence and showed up on her behalf, much to the disappointment of the red carpet. The girls believed that it was unprofessional and selfish for Kelly not to attend the event at the last minute while Kelly insisted that she had a prior engagement and informed the ladies of her scheduling conflict before hand.

Later, Wendy brought up the Diva Monologues and we learned that the idea wasn’t totally Kelly’s but it Chante and the rest of the ladies has a huge input in creating the monologues as well. Kelly revealed that she didn’t trust Fred to bring out her deepest and darkest secrets (that she was raped by her older cousin as a child) and that’s why she was so harsh on his directing skills. The other ladies felt as if Kelly was being a big bully and extremely rude to Fred throughout the whole season and explained that their feelings of being hurt and betrayed by Kelly were genuine and now an act for the cameras. It didn’t look like the girls could come to a mutual agreement about what actually happened during the monologue practice or during the Broadway in the Hood red carpet, and they probably never would.

Lil Mo’s Twitter Tell-All: Are The Girls Intimidated By Kelly Price? ‘R&B Divas: LA Reunion’ [FULL EPISODE] - Page 2  was originally published on

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