
We know tons of people are infatuated with this whole bringing people back from the dead thing…but it’s still pretty creepy no matter how you look at it! Rock The Bells jumped into the fray by bringing Eazy-E back to “life” to perform “Boyz-N-The Hood” and “Straight Outta Compton”. The appearance marked what would have been Eazy’s 50th birthday! Boy how time flies huh?

TMZ shared the video! Take a look at it below!


Kinda cool but still sort of creepy! We wonder what the response will be like for the next few shows? We think we prefer the REAL DEAL! Eazy was an original! Hmmmm…guess we’ll be revisiting this one soon!

Happy Birthday Eazy-E! Let’s celebrate by listening to a couple more Eazy joints that got a whole lot of us in trouble as youths! It wasn’t a great idea to listen to these songs at full blast in the house as a kid. Unless however you wanted to rebel!

We miss you E! Let’s get gangsta on em one time real quick!





[Editor’s Note: Calls to Tim Dawg’s camp were not returned.]


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