
1980s girl group Mary Jane Girls had a few hits and disappeared from the limelight. Two of its members decided they wanted to breathe some new life into the group and began touring small venues. Because of their recent concert dates, the estate of Rick James is suing them.

According to the lawsuit, Kimberley “Maxi” Wuletich and Cheri “Candy” Wells-Chez have been going out performing at very small venues, trying to rebuild the Mary Jane Girls brand. As everyone knows, Rick James founded the group and wrote a lot of the material. Because of James’ involvement, the managers of his estate are claiming when the group broke up, Rick James kept all of the rights to the name and music.

James’ estate wants a judge to have the two women stop performing immediately. Also, since the estate says James wrote and produced all of the Mary Jane Girls records, they also want Wuletich and Wells-Chez to cough up any money they earned performing as Mary Jane Girls.

Do you still love him, Mary Jane?



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