
Chinese billionaire and film producer Run-Run Shaw had a gang of credits under his name. The philanthropist who donated billions to colleges, the investor that helped saved Macy’s department store with cash for a chapter-11 bailout, the man who was knighted in Great Britain, the guy who lived past 100 or even the fellow with the comet named after him.

But as we mourn the death of the 106-year-old legend, the 80’s babies and specifically the Hip-Hop community will always remember Run-Run Shaw for being the pioneering producer behind the Kung-Fu movies we watched religiously and acted out in the streets afterwards every Saturday afternoon.

Producing his first film in 1955, Mr Shaw would spend the next 30 years racking up over 323 credits on movies that made him a mogul and a Hip-Hop legend. Though it’s tough to name the best, TUD decided to rattle off some of our favorites.

1) The 36th Chamber Of Shaolin (1978)

The Rza, The Gza, ODB, Inspektah Deck, Reakwon The Chef, U-God, Ghostface Killah and The Method Man…. should probably kick in for the casket. Or at least send flowers.

2) Five Deadly Venoms (1978)

An all female crew consisting of Lin Que, Champ MC, N-Tyce, Finesse and J-Boo tried to pop off behind the influence of this move. Lets just say that the movie still gets played.

3) Five Fingers Of Death (1972)

This wasn’t just about a student that learned the iron fist technique and started wrecking shop. It’s also what many mothers in the 80’s used to keep kids in line.

4) Five Element Ninjas (1982)

A ninja comes through, kills the teacher and all the students except one. That student finds another ninja, learns to be a ninja and goes after the first ninja for revenge. The hell else do you need in a movie??

5) Blade Runner (1982)

Oh yeah… when he wasn’t pioneering an entire genre, Run-Run was helping solidify cinema legends like Harrison Ford in the good old U.S.A. You didn’t think it was all chopsticks and subtitles did you??


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