Every dad has done this. Your baby is minding their own business enjoying a refreshing beverage and for some inexplicable reason you move the straw, bottle or sippy cup just to get a reaction. You know damn well it’s gonna make ’em mad but you do it anyway. Why? Because dads are bullies! No, we’re kidding. Seriously, it’s all in fun and maybe there is a lesson we’re passing on in the teasing; appreciate what you have because it may not always be there. Or maybe it’s revenge for the sleepless nights. Yeah, maybe it’s that.

Regardless of the intention dads like New York’s DJ Envy are in on the game and the popular spinner posted an Instagram video just today of initiating his youngest into this time-honored tradition of baby hazing. Watch the clip below.

In other Fatherhood Fridays news actor and rapper Tray Chaney will have the television premiere of this latest video “Dedicated Father” on the Aspire Network later this morning. We premiered it online here at last December. You can watch it below!

The gallery has been updated with the latest in Daddy photos including 2 Chainz and his daughter at the Atlanta Hawks game, Jamie Foxx with his daughter at the “Amazing Spider-Man 2” premiere, comedian Michael Blackson with his crew and NBA great Scotty Pippen hanging with his. Enjoy!

Fatherhood Fridays
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