
“From Fatherless To Fatherhood” is a documentary film that explores fatherhood in the black community.  To help raise awareness about the film, the creator is releasing a series of videos, an online extension of the documentary.  The series provides living examples of men, women, children and families who embody the new norm in the narrative around Black fathers.

In this first clip R&B star Elle Varner has a heart-to-heart discussion with her father, Jimmy, and gives us a look into why he is “her rock.”

“I discovered with Elle that when her mother would leave and she would start crying, if I would take her in the car with me and play some music that I was working on, that would calm her right down,” Jimmy remembers fondly. “So from a very early on, from months old,  she was riding shotgun with pops in the car working on music.”

Watch the full clip below:


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