
TUD: What do you think your character would be doing one week after the Purge night has ended? Michael, Carmelo was leading the revolution the last time we saw him. So now what?

Michael K. Williams: I think that he’s probably still doing the same thing. I don’t see him ever letting his guard down. I see him as probably looking for the next loophole in our society to take his cause to. I think that night sparked the revolution, but I think he saw it for a while coming but it reached the point where he thought it was time to act. What would I do a week after the purge is over? I would probably move to the Bahamas! (Laughs)

TUD: Carmen, What about Ava and her daughter?

Carmen Ejogo: Well if she’s really smart she’ll move to Europe. (Laughs)

Everybody’s leaving! Ok, Michael. You know a thing or two about characters who survive by any means necessary… how would the cast of The Wire handle The Purge?

Michael K. Williams: They would probably be king of The Purge. Omar would probably be along the same lines as Carmelo more than likely. They’d probably be buddies.  Omar was strictly in his hood. He had his eyes on what was going on in the world but his actions were limited to his community where as Carmelo is galvanizing people of the world. This purge is pretty much attacking America as a whole and the world possibly. And I believe that Carmelo is talking to everybody where as Omar just dealt with Baltimore.

TUD: Conceptually, what happens the next day after The Purge? Because in the first one, they were their neighbors, so what happens when you have to come face to face with someone you raped, shot, stabbed or just harmed like crazy?

James DeMonaco: That’s a great question… I have no idea.

Frank Grillo: Can I say something? I think that’s what perpetuates the following years purge! I think a lot of what is going on year to year now, what started out as one thing now becomes…”You did this, I’m going to do that.” And that’s another kind of window into what our society is about. Which is, you know… dog eat dog. You rape my family; I’m going to rape your family. Then I ask what do you do the day after? That’s a GREAT question!

TUD: If you need help writing it, I’m always around man….

James DeMonaco: I’ll come to you man! Yeah, I think if we did the third one, if we’re lucky enough to do it, it would open it up to see the day after, the day before, weeks before, weeks after, more human interaction between, how society works in this world. So yeah no totally, I think, if we get to go in, if we get to open the parameters of just existing in the 12 hours? Although that’s what everybody really wants to see, but I think in that first act of the film we can play and then open up to the rest of it. But I dunno, that’s a great question. The next day. I know they’d be cleaning up a lot of bodies…

TUD: Not even the next day, but maybe a week after, when everything’s settled down and you have to deal with the people who broke into your house, beat up your kids, tried to kill you. 

 James DeMonaco: And you know they’re out there so you’re plotting for next year…

Frank Grillo: Does it actually perpetuate more crime?

TUD:But what if you’re right next door to them, like part one? If you know who they are…

James DeMonaco: Exactly! Then they’re not strangers!

Frank Grillo: (To James DeMonaco)If you lived next door to me, I might try to kill you. (Laughs)

James DeMonaco: (Laughing) You would! 

What happens when someone steals your house or your car?

James DeMonaco: And you can’t steal it back till next year…

Frank Grillo:My ’67 Impala is gone!

TUD: Does insurance cover it? Is there Purge insurance?

James DeMonaco: Yeah, Purge insurance! There could be…

TUD: My house got burned down, but it happened during the Purge. Now what?

Frank Grillo: You know what, if I were you, I would take it easy with the ideas cause…

James DeMonaco: I’m gonna take everything! (Laughs)

TUD: I can always come up with ideas… plus we’ve got you on tape.

“The Purge: Anarchy” is in theaters July 18th!


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