George Zimmerman Appears Before Judge On Recent Aggravated Assault Charges

Source: Pool / Getty

George Zimmerman has reportedly sustained injuries to the face after a shooting during a traffic incident in Florida today.

Immediately following the shooting, while details of the extent to which Zimmerman was injured remained unclear, Twitter users across the country reacted with a kind of hostile humor indicative of the level of animus that exists toward the man acquitted of murder in the death of an unarmed, 17-year-old, Trayvon Martin.

Since his acquittal, Zimmerman has had numerous run-ins with police, (seven, to be exact). Once the news of this latest incident hit Twitter, the hashtag #WhenIHeardZimmermanGotShot shot its way up trending lists reminding the world that when it comes to George Zimmerman, for many, there’s no love lost.

Check out some of the responses below:

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