Details Of Unreleased Dash Cam Video In #SandraBland Case Revealed

Source: NewsOne Screenshots / NewsOne Now

A woman who occupied the neighboring cell to the one where Sandra Bland was being held prior to her death is coming forward to speak on her demeanor and their brief conversations while in jail together.

According to CNN reports, Sandra’s former fellow jailmate Alexandria Pyle claims Sandra was emotional, often crying, not eating and concerned about her bail being set at $5,000. The woman also claims Sandra was “upset” because no one was returning her calls from jail.

Pyle specifically told CNN, “She wasn’t eating and when I did talk to her, she was just crying and crying and all I could say was they could not hold you forever.”

Sandra’s family continues to maintain that she showed now signs of depression or being suicidal and had also requested that a second autopsy be performed once the results of the first were revealed. No word on whether or not their requested was upheld as Sandra’s family and friends gather in Lisle, Illinois today to lay her to rest.


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Police Release Dash Cam Footage Of Sandra Bland’s Arrest At Traffic Stop

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The Urban Daily

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