Milan Christopher & Brittany Lewis

Source: GlobalGrind

This week’s episode of Love And Hip Hop Hollywood featured the moment everyone has been waiting for.

Miles finally tells Amber the truth about his sexuality, but while it was as dramatic, painful and shocking as expected, it wasn’t the only over-the-top moment of the night!

Let’s get into it with this week’s recap of LHHH season 2, episode 7.

Amber arrives at the therapy session where Miles is waiting and dreading telling her the truth about his sexuality. He says he hopes that she won’t hate him for telling her the truth because he still genuinely loves her. Clearly oblivious as to what Miles is about to reveal, Amber listens intently as he begins to open up. He tells her that he loves her and says he’s been dealing with something that he didn’t know how to handle because he was embarassed. When Miles finally admits to Amber that he has had feelings of attraction towards the same sex, she initially fights back tears while shaking her head. She manages to hold it together until he admits that he’s also been dating a man recently.

Upon hearing this news, Amber immediately goes into hysterics while exclaiming that “everybody was right” through her tears. After Miles gets up and goes to the bathroom while Amber is breaking down, she then attempts to leave the therapy session by running outside crying but ends up laying on the ground, still hysterical and asking to call her mother. Meanwhile back in the house, the therapist convinces Miles to come out of the bathroom and face Amber. He walks outside as she continues to cry hystertically while lying on the sidewalk. He himself begins to breakdown in tears as he walks closer to Amber, insisting that he can’t face her. As she makes her way to the car, she walks past Miles and hits him before lying inside of the car. He attempts to talk to her while she continues in hysterics inside of the car, but she tells him that she doesn’t want to talk to him before later attempting to attack him again after he doesn’t leave her alone as security tries hold her back. Amber also threatens to tell everyone else in their lives who doesn’t already know that Miles is gay. The therapist explains to Amber that Miles wants to answer any questions that she has and wants to make this easier on her. When Amber reveals to the therapist that she is now suspicious of the nature of Miles’ relationship with Milan, the therapist urges her to talk to Miles about it personally but Amber insists that she isn’t ready. The therapist eventually goes back into the house to relays Amber’s message to Miles that she doesn’t hate him but is unable to face him calmly right now.


Source: Prince William / Getty

Brandi meets up with her good friend Tiny to vent about her marital problems with Max. She gives Tiny a recap of what happened when she confronted Max at the studio and found a girl sitting next to him. Although Tiny agrees that the studio situation “sounds crazy,” she also reminds Brandi that she tends to overreact and nag more than normal. Realizing that Tiny is right, Brandi says she’s willing to honor her marriage vows by working towards the better despite the worse.

Teairra Mari Performs At Club Bed

Source: Vallery Jean / Getty

Ray J meets up with Teairra to confront her about the situation with Princess. She tells Ray J that although she feels like she’s never tried to throw him under the bus and has been in his corner despite their ups and downs, he doesn’t do the same for her. When Teairra questions why he took the information that she gave him back to Princess, Ray J calls her out for befriending Princess with ill intentions.  Despite his accusations, she insists that it just happened that way but that she didn’t set out for things to go as they did. They continue to argue and trade insults as Ray J repeatedly proclaims that Teiarra’s main motive for the entire situation was to get back with him. She vehemently denies wanting to rekindle anything with Ray J and their heated conversation ends with Ray J telling her not to call him or speak his name ever again.

2014 Soul Train Music Awards - Gifting Suite - Day 1

Source: Leon Bennett/BET / Getty

Max and Fizz have a quick studio session before sitting down to catch up. When Fizz makes a comment about wanting Nikki in the studio for his studio session, Max fills him in on Nikki and Brandi crashing his studio session with Ray J. He tells Fizz that when Brandi attempts to control him by enforcing that he wear his ring, it causes him not to wear it out of spite. Despite his current situation with Brandi, he admits that he’ll never leave his family for any of the women who linger around in his line of work. Fizz encourages Max to have a conversation with Brandi about making sure she foucses on herself more so she doesn’t spend so much time being suspicious of him.

Amber’s grandmother visits her to talk about her break up with Miles. When she tells her grandmother that Miles came out to her, her grandmother says she knew it all along. Amber says she feels like she’s wasted her whole life by not taking heed to the signs and whispers from other people about Miles’ sexuality since they were teenagers. While her grandmother continues to insist that she had an inkling all along, she also tries to convince Amber not to be so hard on herself for not figuring out the truth about Miles earlier on in their relationship.

Love & Hip Hop: Hollywood Premiere Event

Source: Jesse Grant / Getty

Soulja Boy takes Nia to dinner so they can discuss the ongoing tension between them since their confrontation with Nas. He attempts to begin the conversation by apologizing yet again for continuing to deal with Nas behind Nia’s back, but Nia isn’t trying to hear it and says she’s fed up with apologies that aren’t accompanied by changed actions. When he insists that they have to move past the situation, Nia says she finds it hard to move on when nothing has changed. Soulja says the real reason why Nia is so adamant about not accepting his apology is because she and Nas were friends. When Soulja Boy tries to criticize Nia for refusing to be “positive” about the situation, she becomes irate, reminding him that their relationship problems have been going on for 9 years. They continue to argue and Soulja Boy even tries to flip the script on Nia by bringing up the child that she had while they were separated and questioning why she continues to hang out with her “thot-ass” friends. The argument ends when Soulja Boy “reminds” her that he’s worth $25 million and therefore doesn’t have to try to make amends with her, before suggesting that she leave if she can’t accept his apology. Visibly disgusted with their conversation, Nia walks out and leaves him sitting alone in the restaurant.

Later, Brandi attempts to set the mood for Max in an effort to make amends. She tells Max that she appreciates the hard work he does for their family, apologizes for nagging him, and admits that she often fails to see the part she plays in the problems between them. In response, Max tells Brandi that because he didn’t grow up around married couples and is accustomed to the way things are done “in the streets”, he never realized the importance of weddings rings. Brand is elated when he then walks over to their dresser, opens the top drawer, and surprises her with brand new matching wedding rings. They each put their rings on before beginning to kiss and make up.

Masika & Nikki

Source: Jesse Grant / Getty

Nikki decides to stop by Nas’ store opening, taking Nas up on her invitation. When Nas asks Nikki when they are going to begin working together on her upcoming fashion show, Nikki tells her that she’s decided against working with her. She then goes on to remind Nas that she’s Nia’s friend and therefore doesn’t respect her dealings with Soulja Boy knowing that he’s in a relationship with Nia. Nas fires back by bringing up Nikki’s previous drama with Mally Mal and Masika, but Nikki insists that she was the girlfriend in that situation and therefore can’t relate to Nas since she is technically the “sidechick” in her situation. Nikki then attempts to remind Nas that Soulja Boy is publicly claiming Nia on social media, but Nas shoots her down by telling her how Soulja Boy continues to reach out to her behind Nia’s back. When she tells Nikki that she should get her facts straight before speaking on their situation and Nikki replies by telling Nas that she should value herself more than to deal with someone who is in a relationship, things go left. The women begin trading insults as their conversation heats up and Nas calls for security to escort Nikki out. The two are involved in a quick shoving match that ends with Nas vomiting her champagne before throwing the remainder of her drink at Nikki. Security steps in to break them up as everyone in the store looks puzzled while trying to figure out why Nas just threw up all over the floor.

Miles visits his sisters to tell them the truth about his sexuality in fear that Amber will tell them first. When he tells his sisters that he and Amber haven’t been together for a while and he’s actually been dating a man, they both respond in anger. As Miles tries to explain that he’s struggled with finding the right way to tell them about his sexuality, they question whether or not he’s fully gay or bisexual. When he responds by saying he shouldn’t have to define himself as anything other than a man who dates men, one of his sisters asks outright if he has sex with men. He says yes and they immediately begin reminding him of their religious family morals and questioning what him being gay means for his relationship with God. Miles then begins to speak on how much pressure there has been on him as more or less the only man in their family and not wanting to disappoint them or his mother. When his sisters tells him that sharing this news with them is in fact disappointing them, they all breakdown in tears. Miles’ sisters tell him that this is not what they wanted for their only brother and that they’d hoped for him to someday have children of his own with a wife. In the end, his sisters reassure him that they will still be there for him despite their reservations as he tearfully questions outloud why he has feeling for men that he doesn’t understand.


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