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The sexual abuse allegations against R. Kelly have plagued his career since the early 2000s. In interviews, he’s always been curt and disrespectful when the questions started to get a bit too hot. But all of that goes out the window during Kelly’s latest interview with GQ, in which he opens up like never before on everything ranging from his relationship with Aaliyah, to an alleged sex tape.

We dissected R. Kelly’s GQ interview; here’s everything your co-workers will be talking about.

His issues with illiteracy have continued into adulthood… 

“Other kids could read, other kids could write, other kids could spell, they could do math,” he says. “I felt like an alien, I felt like an outcast. I felt like, ‘What is going to happen to me?’ My mother couldn’t answer it. My stepfather wasn’t really interested in it one way or another. And my brothers and sisters were so young at the time they wouldn’t do nothing but tease me about it. I was the ‘dummy’: ‘How you gon’ do this? You can’t even read!’”

“Since my daughter showed me voice texts on my phone, I’ve gotten a lot better,” he says. “I’m not a A student, I’m not even a B student, but I’ve gotten a lot better with the reading because of texts. And I can voice-text and say whatever I want to people. And then they text me back and I take my time and I can read through it.”

On being sexually abused by an unidentified woman as a kid…

“I tried to push her away, but she wouldn’t stop until she was finished. When she was, she said, “You better not say shit to no one or else you gonna get a terrible whupping.”

“At first, I couldn’t judge it…“I remember it feeling weird. I remember feeling ashamed. I remember closing my eyes or keeping my hands over my eyes. I remember those things, but couldn’t judge it one way or the other fully.”

On being in love with Aaliyah…

“Uh, I would describe it as best friends. Deep friends. As far as we both loved music and wanted to be successful. She’s a Capricorn, I’m a Capricorn, my momma a Capricorn, her daddy’s a Capricorn, you know. It was just so much in common with each other.”

“Well, there’s a lot of ways to be in love with a person. I was in love with my grandfather, you know. But yeah, I would say I was in love with Aaliyah just like I was in love with anybody else. But in a different, friend type of way.”

On his marriage to Aaliyah and their wedding ceremony…

“Well, because of Aaliyah’s passing, as I’ve always said, out of respect for her mother who’s sick and her father who’s passed, I will never have that conversation with anyone. Out of respect for Aaliyah, and her mother and father who has asked me not to personally. But I can tell you I loved her, I can tell you she loved me, we was very close. We were, you know, best best best best friends.”

On whether or not it was really him in the infamous sex tape… 

“Because of my lawyers, to this day I cannot have those kind of conversations. Being advised by my lawyers in this… Because they could come back to haunt me. Things could come back and they can just restart all over again. And I have to protect myself.”

“Because I’ve said certain things when it all first started, but that didn’t do no good. So I had to go get lawyers and they had to protect me. So now I’m under my lawyers’ advice.”

On Bill Cosby’s sexual assault allegations…

“Well, my opinion on that is, I don’t know what happened. I’m a fan of Bill Cosby’s from the Bill Cosby show, of course—who’s not?—and for me to give my opinion on something that I have no idea if it’s true or not, all I can say is that it was a long time ago. And when I look on TV and I see the 70-, 80-, 90-year-old ladies talking about what happened when they were 17, 18, or 19, there’s something strange about it. That’s my opinion. It’s just strange.”

On the allegations that he’s slept with underage girls… 

“I think, man, abso-effing-lutely I’ve been treated unfair. Yes. I’m not, you know, this innocent guy with a halo over his head. No, I love women. Do I like to sleep with underage girls? Absolutely not. I’ve said it a million times. But do I have people trying to destroy my career? Absolutely.”

To read the entire article, head over to GQ.



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R. Kelly Reveals Everything & Nothing About Aaliyah, Bill Cosby, & Being Illiterate In GQ  was originally published on

The Urban Daily

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