Mark Zuckerberg attendes Mobile World Congress 2015

Source: David Ramos / Getty

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg sent a stern message to employees who have been crossing out the “Black Lives Matter” slogan on a public company art wall and writing in “All Lives Matter.” Zuckerberg’s frustration was voiced in an internal memo that was leaked, according to an exclusive report from Gizmodo.

Reporters at Gizmodo were able to obtain the private memo, which was originally posted via a Facebook employee-only intranet system. In the memo, Zuckerberg addressed the troubling incidents at the social media giant’s Menlo Park, Calif. headquarters.

A portion of Zuckerberg’s memo is posted below, as reported by CNN Money:

There have been several recent instances of people crossing out ‘black lives matter’ and writing ‘all lives matter’ on the walls at MPK.

Despite my clear communication at Q&A last week that this was unacceptable, and messages from several other leaders from across the company, this has happened again. I was already very disappointed by this disrespectful behavior before, but after my communication I now consider this malicious as well.

There are specific issues affecting the black community in the United States, coming from a history of oppression and racism. ‘Black lives matter’ doesn’t mean other lives don’t — it’s simply asking that the black community also achieves the justice they deserve.

Zuckerberg continued and said that the incidents were “hurtful” and tiresome,” adding that there is an ongoing investigation of who has been crossing out the slogan. He also invited staff to attend a March town hall meeting that will serve as a primer for those to learn more about the Black Lives Matter movement.

The company confirmed to CNN Money that the memo was a factual document but would not elaborate further.

Facebook has come under fire in recent times for the lack of racial and gender diversity, with just 2 percent of the staff reported as Black. The company confirmed to CNN Money that the memo was a factual document but would not elaborate further.

SOURCE: Gizmodo, CNN Money | PHOTO CREDIT: Getty 


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Facebook CEO Blasts Employees For Crossing Out Black Lives Matter Signs  was originally published on

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