
Source: Interactive one / GlobalGrind

The Oscars are less-than 24 hours away and outshining any buzz surrounding who will win what is the important conversation on the long-running lack of diversity in Hollywood.

Although a handful of African-American TV and film stars, as well as thousands of fans, have publicly vowed to boycott the award show altogether tomorrow, the chatter surrounding the topic on social media has only intensified. Perfectly illustrating the Academy’s melanin-deficient nomination process, this unofficial revised trailer for “Straight Out Of Compton” gives the world a look at the story told from a different angle……one that would have likely gotten enough of the Academy’s attention to secure a nomination.

While undeniably comical, the truth in the comedy of this edited trailer is all too real.

Be sure to join us tomorrow night for our “Straight Outta Compton” Twitter viewing party during the Oscars!

The Urban Daily

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