After Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump appeared to reluctantly disavow the endorsement of former KKK leader David Duke and then made supporters raise their right hands and pledge to vote for him, Saturday Night Live found perfect fodder to spoof an ad for the front-runner’s candidacy.

Hosted by actor Jonah Hill, the comedy series aired the “Racists For Trump” ad that depicted Trump’s supporters as racists, White supremacists, Neo-Nazis, and book burners.

Reports the Huffington Post:

The fake campaign spot asks the question, “The media’s been saying some pretty negative things about Donald Trump, but what are real Americans saying?”

Clean-cut supporters explain why they’re voting for Trump, saying “the guy’s a winner” and “he’s authentic.” But upon further inspection, the camera shows that each of the voters — one wears a swastika and another irons a Ku Klux Klan hood — are seriously scary. 

Considering that real-life white supremacists have been lauding Trump’s candidacy, this ad could make other supporters of the businessman reconsider the company they’re keeping. 

The spoof is a little too close to reality, right? Let us know your thoughts.

SOURCE: Huffington Post | PHOTO CREDIT: Getty | VIDEO CREDIT: YouTube


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SNL’s “Racists For Trump” Ad Is The Funniest Thing You’ll See All Day  was originally published on