With the Easter Sunday bombing in Pakistan that killed at least 60 people marking the second terrorist attack within a week, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg shared his thoughts on the state of our world.

In a statement posted to his Facebook page on Sunday, he wrote, “I believe the only sustainable way to fight back against those who seek to divide us is to create a world where understanding and empathy can spread faster than hate, and where every single person in every country feels connected and cared for and loved. That’s the world we can and must build together.”

Zuckerberg also mentioned that Facebook has activated the Safety Check feature to allow those in the affected area to notify friends and family that they’re alright.

However, the social networking site’s Safety Check has faced a lot of criticism lately. The feature worked after the Paris attacks, but the alert didn’t go out for the deadly blast in Lebanon just one day earlier. Most recently, the feature had a glitch that caused it to send alerts to users in the United States and Europe during the Pakistan attacks.

Zuckerberg has also stood up and addressed the Black Lives Matter movement in the past, proving that he’s not afraid to speak out in times of adversity.

SOURCE: Mashable, Facebook | PHOTO CREDIT: Getty

Mark Zuckerberg Releases Statement Following Recent Terror Attacks  was originally published on