Source: KENA BETANCUR / Getty

The woman accusing Bill Cosby of sexual assault will have her day in court.

On Monday, Pennsylvania’s Superior Court declined to hear Cosby’s appeal of a lower court’s ruling, which said Cosby does not have immunity from criminal prosecution, the Huffington Post reports.

Montgomery County District Attorney Kevin Steele said in a statement, via the Huffington Post:

“We do not believe the defense had a right to appeal at this stage and we are gratified that court came to the same conclusion.” 

Andrea Constand alleges that the 78-year-old entertainer drugged and sexually molested her at his Philadelphia home in 2004. More than four dozen other women have come forward with similar accusations, but Constand’s case is the first criminal trial.

The former district attorney, Bruce Castor, testified that he promised not to criminally prosecute Cosby, in exchange for the comedian agreeing to testify in Constand’s civil lawsuit. Cosby accepted the deal, and he admitted to drugging women with Quaaludes before sexually assaulting them. However, the deal was not written.

The lower court rejected Cosby’s claim that he’s now shielded from criminal prosecution. By refusing to hear Cosby’s appeal, the trial will go forward.

SOURCE: Huffington Post | PHOTO CREDIT: Getty


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Cosby Fails At Bid To Halt Criminal Trial  was originally published on