
APennsylvania judge on Tuesday found enough evidence to proceed with the sexual assault case against Bill Cosby. If convicted, Cosby faces up to 10 years in prison, CNN reports.

The decision comes nearly a week after it was reported that Cosby’s lawyers requested to have the case against him dismissed. Meanwhile, evidence has surfaced that Cosby admitted to abusing women while being questioned for Andrea Constand’s civil lawsuit in 2005 and 2006.

New York Magazine’s The Cut reports that Cosby “acknowledged drugging and giving alcohol to women before having sex with them.” New reports also reveal that he admitted to supplying pills to Constand before molesting her. He also said he gave Quaaludes, a sedative medication, to model Therese Serignese (then known as Therese Picking).

She became, in those days, what was called high,” Cosby detailed. “I meet Ms. Picking in Las Vegas. She meets me backstage. I give her Quaaludes. We then have sex. … I don’t hear her say anything . . . And so I continue and I go into the area that is somewhere between permission and rejection.”

The Associated Press reports that Cosby allegedly had sexual contact with two teenage girls, one of whom was paid off in exchange for staying silent in details that also surfaced in Cosby’s case with Constand.

Cosby was sent “five or six” models each week while filming his sitcom to give him a “very, very good meal” (as he explained under oath), writes The AP:

Q: She’s 17 and I believe throughout the time she knows you she becomes 18 or 19.

Q: On a later occasion you had her masturbate you with lotion. Did that ever happen?

A: Yes.

Q: (She) used the lotion to rub your penis and make you ejaculate?

A: Bingo.

Cosby’s next court date will be July 20.

SOURCE: CNNNew York Magazine, The Cut | PHOTO CREDIT: Getty | VIDEO CREDIT: Inform


Bill Cosby Calls For Dismissal Of Sexual Assault Case

Women Suing Bill Cosby For Defamation Allowed To View Andrea Constand’s Case File

Bill Cosby Confesses To Drug-Fueled Sex With Teens In Explosive New Deposition; Judge Rules He Will Stand Trial  was originally published on

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