
Plenty of folks that tuned into the Billboard Music Awards last week had not-so-favorable opinions about Madonna’s tribute to Prince, which included a surprise appearance from Stevie Wonder. One very unhappy group were the folks over at BET.

The network capitalized on the overall negative reception of Madonna’s tribute to promote their own upcoming awards show, airing a Prince-themed teaser on Twitter (which has since been deleted) with the caption “Yeah, we saw that. We got you. Don’t worry.”

The dust may have settled on the tribute controversy, but Madge isn’t going to let that little jab slide. In a throwback Instagram post, Madonna fired back at BET’s shady comments while rubbing their nose in the fact that she and Prince were indeed close (despite rumors). “Wearing the jacket Prince gave me without permission from BET. God Bless America,” the caption reads.


BET is standing their ground, responding to Madonna’s post. “Unfortunately, witty as this tweet is, it can’t turn back the clock on a performance that failed to cover the various roles and stages of the legend’s career,” BET’s Evelyn Diaz wrote in an article posted Sunday morning.

Welp. Now, the pressure is on BET to deliver the proper Prince tribute we’ve all been waiting for.

SOURCE: Entertainment Weekly | IMAGE CREDIT: Getty

Madonna Throws A Dose Of Shade Right Back At BET  was originally published on

The Urban Daily

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