Though we’re all sad to see Muhammad Ali go, the boxing legend and cultural icon will be sent off like the king he was, as many world leaders, celebrities, heads of state, and fans plan to attend his funeral to pay respect to his legacy and inspiring life this Friday.

Moreover, Will Smith and Lennox Lewis will carry Ali’s coffin during the service. Smith did the honors of playing Ali in a boxing biopic of the same name back in 2001, and Lewis became the undisputed heavyweight world champion after beating Evander Holyfield in the ring – a win that helped him earn the BBC Sports Personality of the Year title the same year Ali was named BBC Sports Personality of the Century.

According to reports, the other pallbearers will be “Jerry Ellis, the brother of Jimmy Ellis, Ali’s former sparring partner and fellow world heavyweight champion, Ali’s cousins John Grady and Jan Wadell, nephew Ibn Ali, former brother-in-law Komawi Ali and family friend John Ramsey.”

The funeral service will take place in Ali’s hometown of Louisville, Kentucky at 2 p.m. EST Friday and is, thankfully, open to the public. May the greatest of all time rest in peace.


Will Smith To Be Pallbearer At Muhammad Ali’s Funeral  was originally published on