Hip-Hop superproducer Just Blaze took to Periscope to record himself being racially profiled by the police on Thursday. He started off by tweeting about the incident following a live-stream of the incident on periscope.

The producer says in the video, “The first thing out of his [the officer’s] mouth was ‘Is your car legit?’ First question. Amazing.” He continues to say that he thinks everything will be fine but given the current circumstances you never know. The “circumstance” he is of course referring to is the shooting deaths of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile.

He also tweeted his thoughts about the incident:

Luckily for the producer, it was a routine stop, but as he says in his video, “Whenever you get pulled over, pray, and stream.”


SOURCE: Periscope | PHOTO: Getty

Watch: Just Blaze Periscopes Himself Getting Racially Profiled By a Cop  was originally published on