
The dust has settled. And while people are still pissed at Kevin Durant for joining the Golden State Warriors, they’re starting to get use to seeing him alongside the Splash Brothers.

But just a few short months ago Durant was still the savior of the Oklahoma City Thunder, and he’s finally admitted that he’s glad that the Warriors blew that 3-1 lead in the 2016 NBA Finals.

Durant, Andre Iguodala, Warriors general manager Bob Myers, and Warriors owner Joe Lacob accepted a 2016 ENCORE award at the Stanford Graduate School of Business on Monday night on behalf of the organization. And during the event Durant was asked if he still would have joined the Warriors if they would have beaten the Cleveland Cavaliers.

“[My agent] Rich [Kleiman], who’s here, we were watching Game 7,” KD said, according to The Mercury News. “Well, as it started to unfold, it was, ‘No question, no way could you go to this team.’ And I was just like a kid, like, ‘I’d really like playing with these guys. I’d get wide-open 3s, I could just run up and down the court, get wide-open layups.’ I was basically begging him. I was like, ‘Yo, this would be nice.’ As they lost, it became more and more real every day. You start to think about it even more. To see if it would fit. Then once I sat down with these guys, everything that I wanted to know about them, they kinda showed me. But we don’t have to talk about [what would have happened if the Warriors had won the title], because they didn’t get the job done, and they came after me. I guess you could say I’m glad that they lost.”

With really saying it, he hinted that things would’ve been different if the Warriors won. Whether that means he would have stayed in Oklahoma or joined another established team, we’ll never know.

We do know that with the newly-formed super team Golden Warriors, the Cavaliers, and plenty of other refreshed squads its sure to be an interesting NBA season.


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