Democratic Nominee for President of the United States former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton

Source: The Washington Post / Getty

With Election Day right around the corner, Hillary Clinton held a rally in the swing state of Ohio.

She was introduced by the King Of Cleveland, LeBron James who pledged his support for Clinton last month on Business Insider, praising her for her interest in helping today’s youth succeed.

“Only one person running truly understands the struggles of an Akron child born into poverty,” he said. “And when I think about the kinds of policies and ideas the kids in my foundation need from our government, the choice is clear. That candidate is Hillary Clinton.”

“I support Hillary because she will build on the legacy of my good friend, President Barack Obama,” the superstar added.

James was joined on stage by J.R. Smith  who decided to wear a shirt — and his daughter, Demi.

Once Bron passed the mic to Hillary, she praised him for all he does off the court, especially when it comes to children.

“He cares for every child as if they’re his own,” Clinton said.

With Akron’s own LeBron James supporting Hillary Clinton, it may be enough to have Ohio swing the democrat’s way.

SOURCE: Yahoo Sports | PHOTO CREDIT: The Washington Post / Getty

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