
With election day upon us, President Obama gave an inspiring speech in support of Hillary Clinton in New Hampshire on Monday.

Obama had his sleeves rolled up and was in rare form as he gave a speech about his political journey. He started by explaining what it was like to hit the campaign trail as a virtually unknown senator in 2008. He tells the story of visiting a small town in North Carolina on a rainy day. Although only 15 or so people showed up to hear him speak, it fired him up and he realized that one voice can change a room and eventually change the world.

The President believes that Hillary will be victorious, but it’s all up to the American people to get out and vote.

“I’m betting that America will reject a politics of resentment and a politics of blame,” he said. “I’m betting that tomorrow, you will reject fear, and you will choose hope. I’m betting that the wisdom, decency, and generosity of the American people will once again win the day—and that’s a bet that I’ve never, ever lost.”

Watch the video above.

SOURCE: YouTube, Twitter | PHOTO CREDIT: Getty

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