2016 American Black Film Festival - Portraits

Source: J. Countess / Getty

In a Facebook Live video, David Banner spoke to his followers, saying Trump being in the White House just might be what the Black community needs.

“This may be the best thing to ever happen to black people, maybe in history because now there’s no excuse and I’m starting with me.” he said. “People look to me as a leader in so many cases. I try to push it off like ‘Nah, I’m just a humble servant’ but the truth is I am a leader and I have to become more prepared, be more prepared to speak on our behalf.”

Banner says it didn’t matter which way the election went because whether Clinton or Trump became president, he thinks the Black community would’ve had the same problems.

But he encouraged his people not to “freak out,” saying, “As a people we need to become more prepared. We need to start today. What’s going to happen in our local elections next time? We’re going to have to educate ourselves. We’re going to have to prepare ballots. We may even have to go as far as creating our own third party. People are always scared about what will happen tomorrow but that’s not what I fear. I fear what can possibly happen–or I’m excited about what could possibly happen in the near future.”

Check out David Banner’s passionate video above.

SOURCE: Twitter | PHOTO CREDIT: J. Countess / Getty

David Banner Challenges Black America To “Get To Work” Following Trump Election  was originally published on

The Urban Daily

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