Donald Trump in Nevada.

Source: The Washington Post / Getty

Donald Trump‘s Presidential election victory is being called one of the most controversial campaigns and elections in history. Judging by the low hotel booking numbers in D.C. for  his inauguration, the country’s next Commander in Chief may not be as well liked as he hoped.

As they do every four years, the St. Regis hotel spent weeks preparing for election night and staffed its reservation desk around-the-clock while they waited for a rush of requests from supporters looking to book rooms for January’s inauguration. However, the calls never came.

According to The Washington Post, nearly 36 hours after Trump was named the country’s next president, the luxury hotel hadn’t received a single new reservation for January’s festivities. The hotel’s director of sales and marketing, Douglas Camp, said “Nope, zero, nothing. Dead silence.” The only two calls that the hotel did receive were both from Democrats looking to cancel their previously made reservations.

Most hotels in the Washington area say that although the calls haven’t been rolling in, they expect their rooms to eventually sell out, gradually. Shane Krige, general manager of the Fairmont in Georgetown, says, “Things are definitely slower on the uptake this year. It’s not like eight years ago, when the entire hotel was sold out in a day. I think a lot of people are trying to digest the outcome and figure out their plans. This has been a complicated election.”

For people who do plan on attending the inauguration, this year’s most lavish offers include a $500,000 package at the Fairmont that includes round-trip travel on a private jet, a closet full of clothing from Saks Fifth Avenue and home-cooked meals for your dog.

SOURCE: Washington Post

D.C. Hotel Bookings For Trump’s Inauguration Are Ridiculously Low  was originally published on

The Urban Daily

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