US Presidential Inaugural Reception

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As 2016 nears its end, America prepares to say goodbye to President Barack Obama — but not before one final comedy TV appearance as our nation’s commander-in-chief.

Comedy Central announced on Thursday that Obama will sit down with Trevor Noah for Monday’s episode of The Daily Show. Though Obama’s no stranger to the popular late-night talk show (he’s appeared several times during Jon Stewart’s reign), this will be his first time sitting down with Noah since Stewart passed him the torch. As TIME notes, this will also be Obama’s first time appearing on a late-night talk show since November’s presidential election.

More from the press release:

“Throughout this remarkable election cycle Noah has interviewed notable political figures including former President Bill Clinton (September 15, 2016), who received the gift of a balloon drop courtesy of Noah (watch), as well as Republican presidential candidates Dr. Ben Carson (April 19, 2016), who entered into a debate with Noah’s alter ego, Dr. Ken Carson (watch); Senator Lindsay Graham (March 23, 2016), who shot pool with Noah (watch); Senator Rand Paul (January 13, 2016), who debated Trevor over glasses of Kentucky bourbon (watch); and Governor Chris Christie (September 30, 2015), who appeared during Noah’s first week as host (watch).”

The conversation is set to take place at The White House and will be simulcast on Comedy Central, MTV, and BET.

Catch Obama and Trevor Noah on The Daily Show on December 12 at 11:00 p.m. ET.

SOURCE: Comedy Central, TIME

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