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Source: Chris Graythen / Getty

Cardell Hayes, who shot and killed former NFL Player Will Smith in New Orleans in April, was found guilty of manslaughter on Sunday night (December 11). As Complex reports, Hayes was also found guilty of attempted manslaughter for injuring Smith’s wife, Racquel Smith, during the shooting.

From Complex:

“At the end of his trial, which started a week ago, Hayes took the stand and testified that, while he did retrieve a gun from his vehicle and kill Smith, he did so in self-defense. Hayes claimed Smith was the aggressor during the incident, which came just moments after the two men were involved in a minor collision. ‘I knew for a fact that I was going to get shot,’ he told the jurors in the case, while explaining that Smith told him that he was going to retrieve a gun from his own vehicle and ‘show you what to do with it.’ However, the jury in the case saw things differently after other witnesses disputed Hayes’ claim and told police that they never saw Smith with a gun in his hands.”

Smith’s wife and The New Orleans District Attorney’s Office both released statements following the verdict:


Hayes faces up to 40 years in prison. He is scheduled for sentencing on February 17.

SOURCE: Complex

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