
Sony Computer Entertainment and its Santa Monica studio recently released the first gameplay trailer for the much-anticipated God of War III, the third installment in one of Sony’s biggest exclusive franchises. The last game ended on a pretty big cliffhanger with Kratos heading off to take on the gods at the top of Mount Olympus, so there should be plenty of intense battles in store for us.

With the franchise being so popular and important to the PlayStation 3’s library, nevermind the fact that a bunch of us here are huge fans of the series, we thought we’d share our take on what we want to see in the game.

Branching Quicktime Events

The Quicktime events are staples of the God of War franchise. Matching on-screen button cues with your own button presses while Kratos rips apart a baddie in the background has always resulted in an awesome sight, but we’d like to see this taken to the next level. Instead of simply matching the button icons, we’d like to have the sequence work as a branching act where you’re essentially choosing where and what Kratos does next. So, if he’s just climbed up to something’s chest, Square might take you down its left arm, Circle might take you down the right, while Triangle would send you right at its head. Some options would be better than others, while others would end poorly. It would be tricky implementing this so that the player can always expect what will happen next, but seeing this done right could be awesome.

A Proper Ending

We’re tired of game after game these days ending without an actual, you know, ending. We’re not clamoring for the end to Kratos’ adventures, but we really want to see God of War III properly finish off this trilogy with a fantastic and solid finale. Don’t string us along and leave us hanging. We want an actual outcome (preferably one where Kratos stabs the Earth in half to kill everyone).

Focus on the Blades

The trailer shows off a hefty set of gauntlets, which look cool enough, but the extra weapons aren’t what makes Kratos the badass that he is. It’s the Blades of Chaos (or Athena) coupled with his anger that make him practically unstoppable, and we want the focus to remain on that combo. Extra weapons are cool to mess with and can present interesting puzzle solutions, but we absolutely don’t want Kratos’ blades to be overshadowed by some crazy amount of extraneous armaments. Please, Santa Monica, keep Kratos as pure and raw as he’s always been and everything will be all right.

Want to know what else is needed for the newest game of the new year? Be sure to go to and check out their article.

The Urban Daily

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