
Damon Dash has no problem telling anyone what’s on his mind. He’s been going on a spree airing out his grievances and putting record execs on blast through his Instagram account. Even today, he posted a back and forth between him and Funk Flex about as a radio DJ, his influence on hip-hop is real and Flex needs to be held accountable for his actions.

Take a look at the timeline to see how his 2014 has been in the public eye.

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1. Damon Dash vents about the media to the media

March 15: “Funny how pathetic the ny post and daily news writers look when asked questions…these are the nerds that dare have an opinion on what I’m doing….these squares that can only survive speaking on other people…I feel sorry for there lame life’s…I’ll give names later #thenotfuckingaroundcrew #realmenwin #tycoonshit and please don’t think I’m mad I’m just having a lil fun.”

2. Now from his point of view…

Funny how pathetic the ny post and daily news writers look when asked questions…these are the nerds that dare have an opinion on what I’m doing….these squares that can only survive speaking on other people…I feel sorry for there lame life’s…I’ll give names later #thenotfuckingaroundcrew #realmenwin #tycoonshit and please don’t think I’m mad I’m just having a lil fun

3. Goes In On Steve Stoute (Again)

May 26: “I don’t like that dude because he doesn’t care about his culture. And he’s a liar. I watched him tell me all of LL Cool J’s business and all of Nas’ business when they weren’t doing well, so I never trusted him. And I also watched Biggie Smalls’ crew put lipstick on him and a wig on him when he fell asleep. That’s how I first seen him. So I couldn’t respect him ever since that day.”

The Urban Daily

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