Crystal Mason is in jail for voting. Here is how you can help.


There's still some bad blood between Wiz Khalifa and Kanye West.

The Life

Unfortunately, 50 Cent's "lesson" was terribly misguided.


Following an ineffective attempt to clarify his original comment, Manny has apologized via Twitter.

The Life

Lil Kim and her baby’s father Mr. Papers spent much of the summer bad mouthing each other in a heated custody battle over their adorable 1-year-old baby girl Royal Reign, but it looks like papa Papers has had a change of heart. Just last week, Kim used her Twitter account to open up about the situation, […]


  In today’s soul crushing ’80s childhood hero admissions, Hulk Hogan was ousted from the WWE when footage of past racist remarks surfaced. And while it’s tough to come to terms with for avid wrestling fans― this is Hulk Hogan we’re talking about― some are not hanging up their belts just yet. The Urban Daily’s […]

The Sound

After claiming that Jay Z failed to come through as promised on a donation to her arts organization Marina Abramovic seems to have cleared things up with a formal apology from the Marina Abramovic Institute earlier today. Abramovic’s misgivings, which have been chalked up to a misunderstanding according to a press release, stemmed from Jay Z’s six-hour performance of […]

Singer/producer Pharrell Williams found out what makes his fans angry. All it took was for the “Happy” creator to don a traditional Native American headdress on the cover of Elle Magazine UK. After being hit with a barrage of negative comments, Pharrell has issued an apology. When Elle magazine first unveiled the cover with Pharrell […]

Celebrity News

So according to TMZ, “The Worm” aka Dennis Rodman is now apologizing to everybody he can think of including; Kenneth Bae‘s family, his teammates, the CNN anchor Chris Cuomo and the CNN audience. Now if you have no idea what in the world Rodman is sorry for take a look at the video below and you will […]

Celebrity News

In today’s ” Who Gives A F–k” news, public relations executive Justine Sacco decided to ‘fess us and apologize for an offensive tweet sent out on Friday. READ: A White Woman Blasts White People For Racism  In a written statement, Sacco apologized “for being insensitive to this crisis — which does not discriminate by race, […]

Atlanta rapper Waka Flocka is finally taking his foot out of his mouth when it comes to Oprah Winfrey. Waka Flocka is finally apologizing for calling the media queen an “ugly b**ch” and for also saying he would have sex with her. Obviously, he said he wouldn’t sleep with her in a more colorful way […]