Crystal Mason is in jail for voting. Here is how you can help.

The former commander-in-chief is set to head back to the South Pacific island of Tetiaroa to write his White House memoir, The Washington Post reports.

The Voice

President Obama relaunched his web site,, and he and the former First Lady are set to work together as private citizens.

The Sound

Yesterday’s inauguration was an emotional rollercoaster, and many had a hard time stomaching the sight of our valorous outgoing president shake hands and smile with Orange Creamsicle that has taken over the Oval Office. While the Obamas’ grace was certainly admirable, nobody would’ve blamed them for mean-mugging and side-eyeing their way through the entire ceremony. […]

Carl Paladino admits his racist remarks about the Obamas were 'inappropriate.' But he refuses to resign his school board post.

A Trump campaign official faces backlash over racist remarks about the Obamas. His son is among the critics.

The Voice

Aside from the surprising election of a businessman-turned-reality-star-turned-politician as the 45th President of the United States, here are some other top political moments of 2016.

Trevor Noah visited Barack Obama at the White House on Monday for what was undeniably his most high-profile Daily Show interview yet. During their conversation, the two discussed Russia’s impact on the 2016 presidential election. “None of this should be a big surprise,” Obama said, noting that Trump himself acknowledged the hack throughout the election. Obama then questioned presidential campaign […]

America prepares to say goodbye to President Barack Obama, but not before one final comedy TV appearance as our commander-in-chief.

Check out these ten reasons why we'll always be thankful for the flyest FLOTUS ever, Michelle Obama.

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Jamilah Lemieux reflects on the prospect of Donald Trump's presidency, its causes and inevitable consequences.