Crystal Mason is in jail for voting. Here is how you can help.

Whether you like his opinion or not, Kanye West has a lot to say about everything. Recently, the “Bound 2” rapper made some negative comments about huge internet retailer Zappos. In an interview with Bret Easton Ellis, Kanye West said the internet retailer sold “sh*t product.” The CEO of Zappos Tony Hsieh responded in a […]


  Yup! You saw that title correctly no need to go grab your glasses! The current CEO of McDonalds claims that he ate the food from the golden arches everyday and managed to lose 20 pounds! We know what you’re thinking…we hear you! Check out the story in the video below!   We don’t know […]

2013 is already shaping up to be a big year for the Radio One family, with the announcement of a majorpartnership with REACH Media leaving both companies  excited about what’s next.  Radio One CEO and President Alfred Liggins and REACH Media CEO David Kantor talk to “The Frequency” about what this means, how they remain […]