Crystal Mason is in jail for voting. Here is how you can help.


As the nation celebrates Jackie Robinson Day, here are some interesting details about one of the most famous men of the outfield.

Whoopi Goldberg is set to produce a film about the life of Emmett Till, the 14-year-old boy who was murdered in 1955.

President Barack Obama has always admired the Civil Rights Movement. Protest songs from the movement inspired his first election campaign. Many of the movement’s icons are personal heroes of his. So it was no surprise that he went to Selma for the 50th anniversary of the marches there. But the question was which Obama would show […]

Black History Month

  Two years ago, I had the opportunity to meet with Congressman John Lewis in his Capitol Hill office. I listened intently as he recounted…

“Selma,” the film about the 1965 marches in the Alabama city, opened in theaters today and should top your list of films to see. The film’s passionate, detailed portrayal of the Selma marches has already drawn critical acclaim. While Dr. Martin Luther King is the main character in the film, many other activists and politicians shaped the […]

The Black community is, in large part, coming together to speak out against the tragedy of Michael Brown’s death in Ferguson, Mo. Many on social…

COLUMBIA, S.C. — Nine Black men arrested for integrating a Whites-only South Carolina lunch counter 54 years ago may be heroes in the historic record,…