Crystal Mason is in jail for voting. Here is how you can help.

The Voice

Although David Banner was anti-Donald Trump throughout the duration of this year's election, the producer has had a sudden change of heart.

The Voice

A new report says the federal government is using social media to monitor and crack down on Black activists around the country.

After a whirlwind couple of years, Kid Cudi has decided to check himself into rehab. On Tuesday night, the rapper took to Facebook to reveal he checked himself into “rehab for depression and suicidal urges.” He continued, “anxiety and depression have ruled my life for as long as I can remember and I never leave the house […]

Detective Gordon's comments, initially reported last month shortly after the shootings of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile, marked the simmering tension between the Black community and law enforcement over police interactions.

It's usually pretty cool when celebrities do "normal people" things that everyone can relate to.

With the Easter Sunday bombing in Pakistan that killed at least 60 people marking the second terrorist attack within a week, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg decided to share his thoughts on the state of our world.

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg sent a stern message to employees who have been crossing out the “Black Lives Matter” slogan on a public company art wall and writing in “All Lives Matter.” Zuckerberg’s frustration was voiced in an internal memo that was leaked, according to an exclusive report from Gizmodo. Reporters at Gizmodo were able […]

The Life

We're not sure if people caught the irony behind Kanye West asking the CEO of Facebook for $1 billion on Twitter.

A California woman confessed to killing her ex-boyfriend in a Facebook post in what she says was an act of self-defense.

Parents either hate technology, or see it as some sort of sorcery and magic.