Crystal Mason is in jail for voting. Here is how you can help.

From lawsuits to hospitalizations, these nine celebs had a pretty tough year. Check out our list of stars who took an L in 2016.

LeBron James and the championship Cavalier squad is facing off against the Knicks at Madison Square Garden on Wednesday night. Aside from playing against, Carmelo Anthony — one of his best friends — it’ll also be the first time James will be around Phil Jackson after he called James’ group of friends a “posse.” When asked if he’d be willing to […]

The Voice

A group of “prominent computer scientists and election lawyers” are lobbying the Clinton team, as they’ve allegedly found evidence that shows votes from the three swing states Donald Trump won (Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania) may have been “manipulated or hacked.” From NYMag: “Last Thursday, the activists held a conference call with Clinton campaign chairman John […]

The Voice

Donald Trump wins, but we will never lose.

Colin Kaepernick‘s stand against the constant mistreatment of Blacks in the United States has raised awareness for his movement, but his latest decision threatens to derail it all. Kaepernick decided not to vote in Tuesday’s election. He explained in a conference call from Arizona that the reason for his decision was because he felt it didn’t really […]

While the fraction of the country who elected him feels secure, there's been an overwhelming sense of fear and disgust culminating in the hashtag #NotMyPresident.

After her disappointing loss to Donald Trump, Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton gave a post election speech live from New York City. Watch her full concession speech below. UPDATE (November 9, 2016 @ 12:15 PM) – Watch Obama address Donald Trump’s election victory below: SOURCE: YouTube | PHOTO CREDIT: VIEW Press / Getty

The Voice

In spite of running a campaign fueled on hate, racism and lies, Donald J. Trump has been elected the 45th president of the United States, defeating Hillary Clinton. The Democratic candidate reportedly conceded to Trump via phone call around 2AM EST on Wednesday. “I’ve just received a call from Secretary Clinton. She congratulated us — it’s […]

After an undoubtedly interesting election, tonight — November 8, 2016 — we find out who will become our next president. Will it be Trump? Will it be Hillary? Will it be a third party? The election results will broadcast live on ABC, CBS, CNBC CNN, Fox, Fox News, MSNBC, NBC, PBS NewsHour, and Univision. Not going to […]

This election season has been a strange one, to say the least. With Obama leaving the White House soon, the absence of a decent candidate has some loathing his departure — especially the Hip-Hop generation, who will miss his ability to relate to them, his sense of honesty when discussing issues, and his cool factor. It seemed like […]