Crystal Mason is in jail for voting. Here is how you can help.


Jason Collins has made another huge announcement via Sports Illustrated: He’s hanging up his jersey. After 13 years in the NBA (and becoming the first openly gay player in the league), Collins has decided that it’s time to leave the game. “To put it short: I’m officially announcing my retirement from the NBA,” said Collins, while […]


  We tell little kids that bullies go away eventually. We say that when you’re all grown up, that the words of others don’t hurt. But that’s a lie. And we should stop saying it. Because bullies stick around and words hurt, period. In case you missed it, Jason Collins a pro NBA free agent, […]


  So TMZ caught up with Antawn Jamison out in LA, and asked him about the recent coming out statement made by Jason Collins. Without really missing a beat, the NBA Star broke it down in such a classy way. Check it out!   Antawn also spoke about the devastating losses the Lakers suffered at the hands […]

The day has finally come. An athlete currently playing in the NBA has come out of the closet and announced he is gay. The Washington Wizards Jason Collins made the announcement in the upcoming issue of Sports Illustrated Magazine. In an essay written for the magazine, Collins said he decided to come out after the […]