Crystal Mason is in jail for voting. Here is how you can help.

The Screen

Even cable networks get scammed sometimes. That was the case for the A&E Channel who cancelled their upcoming KKK documentary which was intended to serve as a close look at anti-hate extractors focused on helping people leave the Ku Klux Klan. In a statement released over the weekend, the network said that they’ve decided not to air […]

On Wednesday, a North Carolina prosecutor announced that Police Officer Brentley Vinson, who is also Black, "acted lawfully" and will not be charged for shooting and killing 43-year-old Scott.

The Voice

The audience at a White Nationalist conference cheered on Trump's win with Nazi salutes.

Waka Flocka is always getting himself into some social media drama. On Tuesday, the rapper let his political opinions fly by saying, “Can’t wait to see the day America gets a real black president because Obama don’t count.” After being dragged for his confusing statement, things got a little more puzzling when Waka responded to the […]

NBA legend Charles Barkley has always had controversial views, whether it was his “I’m not a role model” Nike campaign or his recent comments on race. In promotion of his new TNT show, Race Card, Barkley drops off the first trailer. The clip starts with Chuck being asked why he wanted to do this show and […]

Vic Mensa has never been afraid to speak his mind when it comes to the issues plaguing America.

The Screen

Donald Glover's rise from token friend to primetime titan is about more than ratings.

The Voice

She posted a lengthy manifesto to her personal website, making a powerful, brave, and emotional statement.

Ever since Scarlett Johansson was cast as the lead in Ghost In the Shell, fans have been less than happy.