Crystal Mason is in jail for voting. Here is how you can help.

Despite currently serving a 16-year prison sentence, former Subway spokesperson Jared Fogle is trying to downplay his sex crimes against children.

The Life

Unfortunately for Jared Fogle, his time at Englewood Federal Correctional Institution has been no different than that of the average sex offender's.

Cross Post Now

One month after his house got raided in a child pornography investigation, Jared Fogle will plead guilty on child porn charges. FOX59 reports that he’s expected to enter the deal on Wednesday. Investigators found several computers and DVDs of child pornography when they searched his home. It’s not clear yet if Fogle will serve time with the plea deal. The […]

The Sound

Brandy Norwood, who is still in New York City as part of her Broadway run in Chicago as Roxie Hart, decided to sing on the train. However, unlike Tyrese, she disguised herself by dressing down, wearing glasses, a scarf and a hoodie. Brandy blended in well, but you could tell she was nervous since she’s obviously not […]


Jared Fogle has become the face of controversy today, as reports surfaced that his home was raided by authorities over an investigation of his involvement…

An incident involving a transgender woman getting pushed onto the subway tracks in New York City has now been labeled a hate crime. The incident occurred…

Celebrity News

NOTE: THIS VIDEO IS NSFW An old school trapper hat and an Eight Ball jacket, a style popular in the 90’s, was the fashion statement a man made that he had no clue would get him thrown in jail and create the latest internet sensation. The man was riding on a New York City subway train […]


Okay, we know we heard a little something about there being some controversy regarding Subway‘s bread but we didn’t know it ran this deep! According to NBC News there are many fast food chains who are using a chemical in their bakery products that is also used to make sneakers, yoga mats and synthetic leather! […]


In SNL’s opening sketch Saturday they cracked jokes on George Zimmerman for getting arrested yet again for gun related offenses. They also spoofed the woman who is alleged to be Zimmerman’s estranged girlfriend that he reportedly pointed a double barreled shot gun at recently. In the sketch a Florida sheriff tells the people watching at […]

  You should never get into an argument with someone who makes your food because you never know what they will do to your food. Two employees at Subway fast food establishments were both fired after they posted photos of themselves doing some very unsanitary things to the food. A Subway “sandwich artist” posted a […]

Everyday you turn on the news, you’re reminded of what a sick and twisted world we’re trying to navigate. A woman riding the New York City subway was stabbed because the assailant believed the victim was looking at her too hard. 39-year-old Heather Burke was on her way to work Monday morning when she got […]